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(Bold edition)

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 DBGridPro features
 FieldVisions types
 Object dataset

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 BoldGridPro features list

  • Automatic data sorting - BoldGridPro can automatically sort data without any additional coding. Just set "bgboAutoSort" option to "true" and your grid will be able to sort data against any number of columns. Calculated columns can also be sorted!!!

  • Automatic summary footers - by setting "bgboAutoFooterSummary" option of BoldGridPro grid to "true" your end-users will be able to get summary information in any column.

  • Multilevel layout of column titles - fields of dataset record can be represented as several rows in the grid to enhance the display of information to end-users at runtime. Column layout can be easily set by drag&drop operations in design-time and run-time as well.

  • Run-time column selection - your end-user can select to show necessary columns and hide needless ones.

  • Save grid layout at run-time - call single method to get column layout, as text string. Then it is possible to save the string anywhere: file, Windows registry, database field, etc. So, you will be able to restore the settings at any time.

  • Automatic column fit - in this mode grid columns retain position and proportion when the grid is resized.

  • Fixed columns.

  • Mouse wheel support.

  • OwnerDraw support for most grid elements.

  • Automatic incremental search - your end-user can easily locate necessary records in the database.

  • Drag & Drop.

  • Optimal (flicker free) painting.

  • Smart scroll bar.

  • Standard and extended MultiSelect - several records can be selected with CTRL and SHIFT keys.

  • Visual attributes for rows and cells - you just set the value of some properties and specified rows and cells are colored different colors, displayed in various fonts. All this is possible without tiring manual coding.

 Renderers types

  • LiteRenderer
  • StandardRenderer
  • NumericRenderer
  • DateRenderer
  • TimeRenderer
  • CheckBoxRenderer
  • LookupRenderer

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