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FieldVision concept

FieldVision is non-visual object that centralize access to data. Centralized access means that data is read and written through the FieldVision objects. TgpFieldVision is a parent class for all components that provide specific data access - TLiteVision, TStandardVision, TVLookupVision, TXStateVision, TOwnerDrawVision, TDateVision, TCheckBoxVision, TNumericVision. Every "FieldVision" component has properties and events that allow you to implement data access logic you need.

Notice, that you can bind FieldVision component to any number of "consumers" (it can be DBGridPro column, DBProdiEdit control or DBProdiText control) and all of them will show and edit data field set in FieldVision.


Basic type of FieldVision, provides text displaying and editing capabilities. Supports the following useful features:
  • Images output.
  • Editor button with OnButtonClick event.
  • EditMask property.
  • You can also use LiteVision to manage virtual data fields using OnGetValue, OnGetText and BeforePost events.


    Enhanced LiteVision, but in addition provides the following features:
  • PickList. It can be used by user to easily input the values of data field.
  • PickListValuesOnly property can be used to forbid the input of values that are not contained in PickList.
  • PickListType (pltDefault, pltSorted, pltMRU, pltSortedMRU) - allows sorting of PickList values and automatic inserting of new values entered by user. Thus, you can use PickList as Most Recently Used values list whithout additional coding. (new!)
  • Supports user-designed dropdown forms. (new!)

  • NumericVision

    Contains special editor for numeric values. Supports the following useful features:
  • Minimal and maximal bounds for values.
  • DisplayFormat and EditFormat properties.
  • EditMask property.
  • Spin buttons and Step property.
  • DropDown calculator form. (new!)
  • Supports user-designed dropdown forms. (new!)

  • DateVision

    Provides special editor for date values. Supports the following useful features:
  • Picking the date value with dropdown calendar.
  • Minimal and maximal bounds for the date.
  • DisplayFormat property.
  • EditMask property.
  • Supports user-designed dropdown forms. (new!)

  • TimeVision - new!

    Provides special editor for time values. Supports the following useful features:
  • Minimal and maximal bounds for the time.
  • DisplayFormat and EditFormat properties.
  • EditMask property.
  • Supports user-designed dropdown forms.

  • XStateVision

    For instance, you have data field that is responsible for payment kind: "Visa", "MasterCard", "American Express" and "Cash". To optimize data storage you will save numbers (0, 1, 2 and 3) instead of text strings. Thus, kind of payments is called state of data field. XStateVision provides convenient data displaying and editing. Your end-user will see and edit only text associated with the state ("Visa", "MasterCard", etc.), but actually numbers ("0", "1", etc.) will be posted to data set.
    Editing is possible with dropdown list with possible values and with mouse clicks on the cell as well.


    Represents the values of data field as checked/unchecked markers. Editing of data is possible by mouse click.


    Displays and edits "key" data fields. Data field contains the key value associated with text and/or image from another dataset. User can see and edit only displayed text but VLookupVision substitute the appropriate key value. VLookupVision has set of useful features:
  • LookupParams.ImageField property - name of data field that stores index of an image associated with the key.
  • LookupParams.EditDataSource property - you can specify dataset that is used when the field is being edited. It is useful when you need to limit the set of values that can be input.
  • Supports user-designed dropdown forms. (new!)

  • LookupVision - new!

    Displays and edits "lookup" data fields.


    Intended for displaying the data of any type. Only you determine how the data will look in the cell. You can implement calculated fields, display BLOB field content, etc.

    MemoVision - new!

    Intended for displaying and editing the text data including MEMO BLOBS. Some useful properties:
  • MaxLength.
  • EditWordWrap.
  • EditScrollBars.

  • TextVision - new!

    Intended for displaying and editing the text data including MEMO BLOBS. Editing is performed in the dropdown form. Some useful properties:
  • DropDownOptionsEx - (dtoNoHideScrollBars, dtoNoWantReturns, dtoNoWantTabs, dtoNoWordWrap, dtoNoSizing, dtoNoAutoPost).
  • DropDownScrollBars.
  • DropDown - support for user-designed dropdown forms.

  • ImageVision - new!

    Intended for displaying and editing the datafields which contain graphic BLOBS. Some useful properties:
  • Stretch.
  • Center.
  • QuickDraw.
  • PopupMenu.

  • PictureVision - new!

    Intended for displaying and editing the datafields which contain graphic BLOBS. Editing is performed in the dropdown form. Some useful properties:
  • DropDownOptionsEx - (dpoNoCenterPicture, dpoNoAutoSize, dpoNoSizing, dpoNoAutoPost)
  • DropDown - support for user-designed dropdown forms.

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